Create assessments

Create assessments

NotesRelevant for: Workspace owners, administrators (see "User roles")
To create a new assessment, click on "New Assessment" at the top right of the assessment overview, or if you are on another page in the administration interface, first click on "Assessments" at the top left of the header, and then click "New Assessment".
A new page called "Create Assessment" will open with various options.


Under "General" you can enter basic information for the assessment:
  1. In the "Name" field, you can set the name of the assessment. You will later be able to find the assessment in the overview by this name.
  2. In the "Target Position" field, you define the position for which the assessment is being conducted.
  3. Under "Organisation" you can use the dropdown menu to select the organisation to which you want to assign the assessment. Here, you can choose from all organisations you have access to (see "Organisations: Overview").
  4. In the "Start Date" and "End Date" fields, select the appropriate date and time for when the assessment should start and end. Clicking on each field will open a pop-up with a calendar view where you can select the dates.
  5. The "Description" field allows you to optionally add additional information about the assessment. To enlarge the default box, click on the dashed corner at the bottom right and drag the field to make it bigger.
  6. Under "Competence Model" you can select which template the assessment should be based on. Here, you can only choose from already created templates. Alongside the template's name, the organisation is also displayed, so you can search by both. Once you select a template and add it to the assessment, the "Customize" button will appear in the organisation-specific colour and will no longer be greyed out. Clicking on "Customize" will open a pop-up window displaying all competency clusters and competencies of this template.
If you do not want to include all competencies and clusters in the new assessment, you can deselect them by clicking the boxes next to the names. By default, all competencies and clusters of the template are selected at the start. Selected competencies/clusters will appear with a white check mark on a coloured background. For deselected competencies/clusters, the box next to the name will be empty. If you deselect a competency cluster, all associated competencies will automatically be deselected as well. You can unselect and reselect individual competencies within a cluster by clicking the box next to the name of the relevant competency.
If not all competencies in a cluster are selected, a "-" will appear in the box. The same applies to the "Select All" category.
By clicking the box next to "Select All" you can either deselect all competencies at once or re-add all competencies with another click.
Click "Save" to add your customised template to the assessment, or click "Cancel" to keep the original template.
If you selected the wrong template, click the "Trash" icon on the right. The template will be removed, and you can choose a new one.
Alternatively, you can create an assessment without a template initially and add it later. For more information on templates, see "Create and edit templates".
Adding a competence model is optional.
  1. Under "Reports" you can select which template the candidate-specific reports will be based on at the end of the assessment. To do this, click in the field under "Reports" and a pop-up window called "Select Reports" will appear. Here, you can check the box next to the name of the desired template to add it to the assessment. To the right of the template name, you will see the language in which the template was created. You can also select and add multiple templates to the assessment.
  2. Once you hover your mouse over the name of the report, a small "eye" icon will appear on the right. By clicking on it, the template will open in a new window. Here, you can view the template, a preview of your individual template, or both in parallel. This ensures that you are adding the correct report template to the assessment. For more information on previewing report templates, see here.
    If many templates have been created, you can use the search field to find a specific template by entering its name.
    Click "Save" to keep your selection or click "Cancel" to discard your selection.
    Selecting a report template when creating the assessment is optional.
    InfoYou can only select templates here that you have already created and uploaded under "Templates" Learn more about this here.

Assessment Workflow

Under "Assessment Workflow" you can configure a temporal automation of the workflow.
The timeline displays the possible statuses that the assessment can occupy and the respective time periods before transitioning to the next status (for more information about assessment statuses, click here).
There are three different time periods between statuses:
  1. Activate assessment: Transition from draft status to active status.
  2. Complete assessment: Transition from active status to completed status.
  3. Delete assessment: Transition from completed status to deleted. Here, you can choose between two options: either "Insights Archive" or "Deleted." If you select "Insights Archive" all personal data will be deleted, while the remaining data will be used for Insights. For example, ratings will still be available for Insights.
InfoFor assessments, this means that the associated organisation, target position, as well as the date and time range, will remain, but files, schedules, and other descriptions will be deleted.
Personal data of candidates, such as name, email address, and specific files, will also be deleted. However, birth year, gender, language, position, and test results from test integrations will remain.
The observer's role and the user's role in the Applysia software will be retained, but assigned files will be deleted.
In the competence model, names and files will be deleted. Exercises, clusters, competencies, behavior anchors, the scale, and the organisation will be used for Insights.
All ratings, consolidated values, and the self-assessment will remain. All general notes and competency notes will be deleted.
If you select "Deleted" the assessments will be completely removed and not used for Insights.
One week before the respective assessment is deleted (whether only personal data or completely), the first moderator of the respective assessment will receive an email notifying them that the data will no longer be available after one week. The data should therefore be backed up beforehand if necessary.
If the assessment is not assigned to any organisation, the default settings for the assessment workflow from the workspace settings will appear here. Learn more about this here.
If the assessment is already assigned to an organisation, the settings for this organisation will automatically apply here. Additional information can be found here.
You can no longer make changes to the assessment workflow when creating an assessment. These must instead be made in the settings under "Organisations" or "Workspace".


Additionally, there are various "Features" that you can enable or disable for the respective assessment by clicking the "switches" on the far right, which will either be highlighted in colour (enabled) or greyed out (disabled).
  1. With the option "Automatic Consolidation" the average of the uploaded evaluations from the observers is automatically calculated and set as the consolidated value. Learn more about this under "Consolidate".
  2. Activate the “Automatic Competency Average” feature if you want the competency ratings to be calculated automatically as an average of the assessed behavior anchors during the assessment. It is then no longer necessary or possible to enter the competency ratings manually. You can find out more under “Assess”.
  3. The "Scheduler" manages the schedule of the assessment in a planner and allows the creation of individual timetables for the observers. More information about this feature can be found under "Schedule/Scheduler".
  4. By activating "Share notes" moderators in the conference can view the notes of all observers on the different candidates in the various exercises. Learn more about this under "Single View: Rating".
  5. Additionally, under "Restrict access to test results" you can select who can view the candidates' test results. By default, this feature is disabled, so all observers (regular observers, silent observers, and moderators) can view the candidates' test results. Activate the slider on the right by clicking it if only moderators should have access to the test results.
  6. With the feature "Overlay PDF documents in the candidate portal with watermarks" you add a watermark to all PDF documents that you share with candidates via the candidate interface. This watermark includes the respective candidate's name and the current date. The watermark is only visible in the view within the candidate interface. For documents that candidates are allowed to download, the downloaded version does not contain a watermark.


Under "Branding" you can configure how the respective assessment will appear in the observer interface.
To do so, select from the dropdown-menu which branding you would like to apply. Three options are available:
  1. "Workspace",
  2. "Organisation" to which the assessment is assigned, or
  3. "Customised".
By default, the branding of the workspace is selected.
If you select one of the options "Workspace" or "Organisation" the branding settings that you configured in the workspace (see "Manage workspace") or in the organisation (see "Create organisation") will automatically be applied. The settings for the colour and logo can therefore not be changed when creating the assessment. Navigate to the settings of the workspace or the organisation to make these changes.
If no logo is assigned for the organisation, the workspace logo will automatically be used.
If you select the option "Customised" you set the branding for the specific assessment manually.
  1. To adjust the colour of the assessment individually, click "Pick". You can then set a custom colour using RGB, HSL, or HEX. By clicking the "Eyedropper" you can select a colour on your screen (e.g., a colour from the logo).
  2. Additionally, you can set a customised "Logo". Click "Add File" and select an image (PNG, JPG) or drag and drop an image into the designated field.
To create the assessment, click "Save" in the bottom right. Click "Cancel" to discard your changes.

After saving, a new page opens with your created assessment. On the left side, a navigation menu appears, allowing you to access various settings. The respective settings are explained in more detail in the article "Edit assessments".

You can also find and open the created assessment at any time via the assessment overview by clicking on "Assessments".
At the top, under the header, you can always see which section of Applysia you are in. Click there to navigate between the different sections.

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