Overview organizations

Overview organizations

Relevant for: Workspace Administrators, Administrators (see "User Roles in the Cockpit") 

Organizations offer the option of grouping the entire workspace. Assessments, competency models, report templates, brandings and assessment workflows can be assigned to organizations. The settings made for organizations are then automatically transferred to the Assessments and templates assigned to the organization. Individual settings can still be made at any time.

You can access the organizations by clicking on "Organizations" in the header at the top. A new page opens on which all created organizations are listed. 

Using the "search field" at the top right, you can search all organizations by keyword to find the desired organization. The corresponding search term is highlighted in the results. To delete the search again, click on the "x" on the right of the search field.

You can create a new organization by clicking on the "New Organization" button on the right (see "Create organization"). 

You can sort your existing organizations by these categories in ascending or descending order by clicking on the "Name" and "Unit" headings. By default, the organizations are sorted alphabetically

To edit an organization, either click on the name of the organization or on the "3 dots" on the far right and then on "Edit". A new page opens (see "Edit organization"). 
If you click on the "3 dots" on the far right, you will also see the "Merge" option. A pop-up window will open in which you can select another organization that you would like to merge with the organization already selected. To do this, select the relevant organization from the drop-down menu under "Merge with". In the field below "Keep settings from", you can select from which of the two organizations the settings should be adopted (see "Organizations: Settings"). Click on "Merge" to carry out the action or on "Cancel". The settings can be edited again at any time. 

For many organizations that have been created, it is possible that the desired organization is not on the first page. You can switch between pages by clicking on "Next" or on the "Page numbers" at the bottom of the page.

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