Competence Model

Competence Model

NotesRelevant for: Workspace owners, administrators (see "User roles")
You have selected an assessment to edit and are in the "Competence Model" section in the left navigation menu.

Here you can make adjustments to the competence model on which your assessment is based. There are different starting situations: Either you have not selected a template or you have selected one.

You can edit your competence model at any time, even if assessments have already been activated and are no longer in draft status.

No template selected 

If you did not select a template when creating the assessment, you can choose an existing template from the dropdown list in the "Model Selection" section or create a new competence model.

In the "Model Selection" section, under "Template" select one of the already created templates. 
  1. Along with the name, the organisation of the available templates will be displayed to help identify them clearly. You can also search by keywords.
  2. Once you select a template, it will be displayed on the page so you can review the options set in the template before assigning it to the assessment. You will also have the option to select the competency clusters and competencies you want to include in the assessment from the template and unselect those you do not want to include. By clicking the respective checkbox, you can deselect competencies and clusters. By default, all competencies and clusters from the template are selected at the beginning. Selected competencies/clusters will be shown with a white checkmark on a colored background. For deselected competencies/clusters, the checkbox next to the name will be empty. If not all competencies in a cluster are selected, a "-" will appear in the checkbox to the left. The same applies to the "Select All" category. By clicking the checkbox next to "Select All" you can either unselect all competencies with one click or, by clicking again, select all competencies again. If you unselect a competency cluster, all related competencies will be automatically deselected. However, you also have the option to select or deselect individual competencies within a cluster.
    Click "Save" in the upper right corner of the page to save the selection of the template (and any changes made).
  3. If you want to select a different template, click the "arrows" to the right in the template search field and select a different template. Click "Cancel" to return to the start page of the model selection.

Alternatively, you can create a new competence model directly by clicking "Create Competence Model" in the upper right corner. A pop-up window will open.
  1. Enter the "Minimum", "Maximum", and "Stepsize" and click "Save". The window will close, and you can create and edit the "Competency-Exercise Matrix" with the "Behavior anchor" (see "Competency-Exercise-Matrix" and "Behavior anchor"), as well as the "Self assessment" and "Target profile" (see "Self assessment" and "Target profile").
  2. You can now click on "Options" in the upper right corner, and different options for saving the template will be available:
    1. Select "Save as Template" to save the created competence model both in the assessment and in a new template. Enter a name and choose the corresponding organisation from the dropdown menu to assign the template to. Then click "Save" to secure the template or click "Cancel" to choose a different option.
    2. Click "Replace" to select a new, already created template. You can then choose a template from the "Model Selection" dropdown menu and proceed as described above.
    3. Alternatively, you can also click "Remove Competence Model" to delete all previous settings of the competence model. Click "Confirm" to remove the competency model or select "Cancel". You can then choose or create a new template again.
If you remove the competence model from an assessment, all related information, such as the ratings, will be deleted.

Template selected 

If you have already selected a template, you can make changes here, regardless of whether the assessment has already been activated or is still in draft status. To do this, you can choose from different options at the top right.
For assessments that are already active, deleting, replacing, or editing competencies, exercises, or anchors will delete any previously made evaluations and notes, and remove the schedule in the Scheduler.

By clicking on “Remove”, you can delete the template from the assessment, so that you can assign a different template afterwards (see above “No template selected”). “Confirm the warning to delete the template or click “Cancel”.

By clicking on “Replace”, you can replace the currently assigned template with another template. To do so, select the new template in the newly appeared “Template Selection” area and then click “Save” or choose “Cancel” to keep the original selection.

By clicking on “Edit”, you can edit the assigned template (see “Edit templates”). 
  1. Here, you will first see all the information you provided when creating the template under “Settings”, “Scale”, and “Scale Labels” (see “Create templates”), and you can edit these (with restrictions). However, your entries under “Scalecannot be changed once you have created the template. Not even if you duplicate the template. Accordingly, you will need to create the template again. 
  2. At the bottom of the page, you can also create and edit the “Competency-Exercise-Matrix” with the “Behavior anchor” (see “Competency-Exercise-Matrix” and “Behavior anchor”), the “Self assessment” (see “Self assessment”), as well as the “Target profile” (see “Target profile”).
InfoFor active assessments, disabling the self assessment will delete any evaluations previously submitted by the candidates.
  1. You can now click on “Options” at the top right and choose whether to “Save as a Template”, so the created competence model is saved both in the assessment and as a new template. Enter a name and organisation for your template and click “Save”. 
  2. Alternatively, you can also click on “Reset based on Template”, which will reset all your changes so that the previously selected template is restored. 
  3. Click on “Replace” to add a different template to the assessment. Select this in the dropdown menu in the “Template Selection” area and click “Save” to save your changes, or click “Cancel”. 
  4. As a third option, you can click on “Remove Competence Model” and delete the assignment of the competence model as well as all changes, and then select a new template (see above “No template selected”).

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