Target Profiles

Target Profiles

Relevant for: Organisation Administrators, Administrators (see "User Roles in the Cockpit").

On the "Edit Template" page, after the "General", “Settings”, "Scale", "Scale Labels" and "Requirement-Exercise-Matrix" sections, you will see the "Target Profile" section. 

Personnel selection also includes Target Profiles that map the requirement profile of a specific position. These profiles, each with a minimum and maximum value, can also be stored in the Applysia Cockpit so that they can be seen in the App in the Conference.

To use the Target Profile and thus set values that your Candidates should achieve in the respective competencies, click on the "switch" on the far right so that it is highlighted. Now, based on the set Requirement-Exercise-Matrix, you will see the previously defined scale for each competency.

By default, the specified minimum and maximum values are initially set here.

To change the values in increments of 0.25, you have two options:

  1. Click and hold the round "sliders" to move them to the right and left on the scale to set the desired range of values. The current value is always displayed above the slider and as soon as it is released, the respective value appears in the "boxes" to the right and left of the scale.  
  2. Alternatively, the desired value limits can also be entered in the "boxes" to the right and left of the scale. 
The values can only be changed in steps of 0.25.

The Target Profile can only be set when creating or editing a Template, no longer in the Assessment. 

After making your changes, click "Save" at the top to save the changes. After that, the window will close automatically and you will be in the Template overview.

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