Report Templates: Tables and Charts

Report Templates: Tables and Charts

NotesRelevant for: Workspace owners, administrators (see "User roles")
To create report templates, you use so-called "placeholders". These placeholders are replaced by the candidate-specific content and ratings of your assessment in the final report at the click of a button. 
You can use the placeholders in different ways in your report template. This means that you can not only integrate the placeholders into running text, but also present information from the assessment using the placeholders in the form of tables and illustrations.

Application example: Table

You can also use the placeholders to integrate the contents of the assessment into your report in the form of a table. 
To do this, navigate in Word or PowerPoint to "Insert" in the top menu bar and then to "Table". A drop-down menu with many small fields will appear. Move the mouse over the fields to select how many rows and columns you want your table to have. Then click once on the selected fields and the table will appear in your Word or PowerPoint template. You can then format it as you wish. You store the placeholders in the template in the table in exactly the same place where you want the respective information to appear in the finished report. 
You can integrate any loops and placeholders into a table. To do this, follow the same steps as described above and then select the placeholders that contain the desired information.
WarningNote that you must also end the loop(s) for tables by inserting "{/loop name}" or "{/}".
Below is an example of how to create the competencies, target profiles and competency ratings in a table in your report template. Below is the result you get when you create the report automatically with Applysia.

Requirement area
{target_min} - {target_max}

Result in finished report
Requirement area
Expert knowledge
Extensive knowledge and in-depth understanding in a specific area of expertise.
3.5 - 5.0
Problem-solving skills

Ability to identify challenges, take an analytical approach and develop creative solutions.
2.25 - 5.0
Project management
Ability to manage projects from planning through implementation and achieve successful results.
3.5 - 4.5

You can also format the tables so that individual cells are merged. This can be useful, for example, if you specify competency clusters in one column and want to list all associated competencies and competency ratings in the column next to it. To merge the cells of a column, use the placeholder "{:merge-cells-col 1}".  

Below is an example of how to integrate the table with merged cells into your template. Below this is the result you get when you create the report automatically with Applysia.

{:merge-cells-col 1} Competency cluster
Competency rating

Result in finished report

Competency cluster


Competency rating

Personal competencies







Interpersonal skills

Communication skills




Ability to work in a team


Application example: Diagram

To add illustrations in your report, you can insert a desired diagram into the template in Word or PowerPoint. 

To do this, navigate in Word or PowerPoint to "Insert" in the top menu bar and then to "Diagram". A pop-up window with different diagram types will appear. Select the desired chart type from the menu on the left and then select the appropriate chart. Double-click on the chart or click "Ok" to integrate it into your templates in Word or PowerPoint.
A predefined number of categories (later competencies) and data series (later e.g. overall assessment and target profile) are automatically stored in the diagram. Make sure that the diagram in the template contains the same or fewer categories and data series than will later be integrated into the report. Alternatively, you can delete the additional categories/data series manually after creating the report.
InfoHere you can find an overview of the available chart types provided by Microsoft. You can only integrate the charts provided by Microsoft into your template, as the placeholders and "filling" with assessment-specific information in the final report will not work otherwise.
You can also use placeholders for the diagrams. These are then automatically "filled" with the values from the assessment when the report is created. Not only the candidates' ratings in the individual competencies or exercises are integrated into the diagram at the touch of a button, but also the axis labels and the legend. All the information you see in the template is then replaced by the assessment- and candidate-specific values and content. You can adjust the title of the diagram manually - either in your template or in the final report.
Insert the placeholder in the title of the diagram so that the diagram can be filled with the assessment- and candidate-specific information in the final report. Alternatively, you can also insert the placeholder in Word below the diagram. Further information on the placeholders for the automatic creation of diagrams can be found here.
If you have stored the option "Use labels instead of numbers" in your templates in the Cockpit and use symbols as scale labeling, these cannot be transferred to the diagrams. Please note that the scales of the diagrams will still be labeled with numbers.
In the appendix (at the bottom of this page) you will find a Word document in which various diagrams and placeholders are combined. You can download the file, copy the desired diagram template and integrate it into your report.
Below is an example of how you can use the placeholders to create the charts. Below this is the final "filled" chart with the information from the assessment as it will appear in the final report.


Result in finished report

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