Consolidate: Overview

Consolidate: Overview

Relevant for: Normal observers, lead observers, moderators (see "User roles")
In the assessment overview within the schedule, click "Consolidate" on an exercise, and a new page will open.

If the assessment is still in draft status, you cannot consolidate. Therefore, you will not have the option to click "Consolidate" in the schedule.

On the new page, you'll see the name of the selected exercise (+Consolidate) in the top row, and next to it, possibly an "Info-i," which you can click to read the description of the respective exercise if one has been provided.

If you are in a group exercise with multiple candidates and want to switch between different candidates, click on the "Candidate's Name" at the top right, and a drop-down menu will appear where you can choose between all available candidates for this exercise.

If only one candidate is assigned to this exercise, you cannot switch between candidates. The candidate's name will then not be clickable.
In the web-based observer interface, you typically work in landscape mode and can follow the screenshots' illustrations 1:1. In the native iPad app, you can work in either landscape or portrait mode. Depending on which format you choose, the view differs here. However, the explanations and screenshots can also be easily applied to the portrait format.

In landscape mode, your screen is split:
  1. On the left side, you can always see and perform your consolidation for the respective exercise and candidate (see "Consolidate").
  2. On the right side, you can switch between "Profile", "Assess. Results" and "Notes" in the lower row (see "Profile," "Assess. Results", and "Notes").
In portrait mode, you can switch between "Consolidate," "Profile," "Assess. Results," and "Notes" in the lower row.

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