Single View: Notes

Single View: Notes

Relevant for: Normal observers, lead observers, moderators (see "User roles")
When you click on "Notes" in the bottom row, you can view the candidate-specific notes.

As a moderator, you can optionally view the notes from all observers for different candidates in various exercises. To use this feature, the "Share Notes" feature must have been activated in the administration interface for the respective assessment (see "Features").
As a normal observer or lead observer, you can only view your own notes (if any were made). As a silent observer, you cannot view any notes.

In the web-based observer interface, you work in landscape mode by default and can refer to the representations in the screenshots 1:1. In the native iPad app, you can work either in landscape or portrait mode. Depending on the format you choose, the view here may differ. However, the explanations and screenshots can be easily adapted to portrait mode as well.

This notes page is divided into two sections by a gray bar. You can move the middle bar to the right or left to resize one section. If you cannot resize the sections further by moving the bar, an arrow will appear. Clicking the arrow will hide the respective section completely, allowing you to view the relevant information in full size. Click the arrow again to re-display the section.

On the left side, you will see all typed and handwritten notes.
By default, the filters are set to show only your own notes. To view notes from other observers, you can adjust the filter options (see below).
Click on the field with the observer’s name to view their notes. A new page will open with the notes (written or typed), and above, you will see the name of the observer. The notes cannot be edited but only viewed. On the right side, you will see all competency notes. The competency notes are associated with the relevant competency and the exercise in which the note was made.

If you are working in portrait mode, you will see a menu at the bottom with options "Exercise" and "Competency". By default, typed and handwritten notes are displayed under "Exercise". Click on "Competency" to view the competency notes.

All competency notes are collapsed by default, showing an overview of the observed competencies of the assessment. You can then click the arrow next to the name of the relevant competency to view the notes. An overview of the conducted exercises with all associated competency notes will appear. Click “Expand All” at the top of the page to view all competency notes. Click “Collapse All” to hide all competency notes. Additionally, you can add new notes, edit and delete old notes, and favorite your own competency notes here. At the top right, there is a button with a “star” symbol. Clicking it opens two options. Here you can choose between “Favorite” and “Unfavorite”. This allows you to either favorite or unfavorite all notes.
Favoriting/unfavoriting refers only to the notes visible under your selected filter settings, not all notes in the conference.

You can view the notes of other observers only if this feature is activated and you are the moderator of the assessment. The notes from other observers are marked with the observer’s name below the note.

As the moderator of an assessment, you have the option to add competency notes from other observers to your own notes. To do this, click on the competency note of the other observer, and a button with a "copy" icon and the label "Add to notes" will appear. Click this button, and the respective competency note will be listed as your own note for the relevant competency and exercise. A bar at the bottom of the page will also appear with the note “Added to notes”. First, your own competency notes will be listed – including those you have adopted from other observers – followed by the notes from other observers. Once you have added the note to your own notes, you can also edit, favorite, and delete it as needed.

You can filter all candidate-specific notes – both on the left and right sides – by various criteria to obtain a specific selection of notes. By default, the observer filter is pre-selected, and you will see only your own candidate-specific notes. To filter the notes, four categories are available: “Competency”, “Exercise”, “Observers”, and the selection of favored competency notes. You can combine the various filters to display the desired notes clearly.

When you click on the “Competency” filter, a drop-down menu will show all competencies observed and rated in the assessment. By default, notes for all competencies are displayed. You can select a specific competency by clicking its name in the drop-down menu to view notes for that competency only.
The competency filter only filters the competency-based notes on the right side. The general handwritten and typed notes on the left side remain unaffected and unchanged.

The “Exercise” filter shows all exercises conducted in the assessment in a drop-down menu. By default, notes for all exercises are displayed. Alternatively, you can select a specific exercise by clicking its name in the drop-down menu to view notes for that exercise only.
This filter selects notes on both the left and right sides, so you will only see exercise-specific and candidate-specific notes.

The “Observers” filter shows all observers assigned to the assessment in a drop-down menu. By default, only your own notes are displayed. By clicking on the name of the observer in the drop-down menu, you can view only the notes from that observer.
This filter also selects the desired notes on both the left and right sides, so you can view all notes from a specific observer at a glance.
You can only view notes from other observers as a moderator if you have activated the “Share Notes” feature in the administration interface. Otherwise, only your own notes will be visible here, and you cannot filter notes by observers.

The “Favorites Only” filter can be activated by checking the box to the left in the box. This will show only the favorited competency notes on the right side. The general handwritten and typed notes on the left side will remain unchanged.

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