Organizations: Access

Organizations: Access

Relevant for: Organisation Administrators, Administrators (see "User Roles in the Cockpit")
You have selected an organization to edit it and are in the navigation menu on the left under "Access". 

Here you can see all users already assigned to this organization. You can find more information on assigning users to organizations here.
If it is a private organization, only the assigned users can access and manage the organization. In the case of a public organization, all Administrators can access the organization. 
When creating a private organization, the Administrator/Workspace Administrator is automatically added to this organization as a member.
You can sort the users already added by clicking on the headings "First name", "Last name" and "E-Mail" in ascending or descending order according to these categories. By default, the users are arranged in the order in which you have assigned them to the organization. 

At the top right, you can search for a specific user using the "search field". 

Click on the "Add users" button on the right to open a pop-up window. Click on the box to the left of the name of the respective user to assign them to the organization. Click on "Select" to select all users. Click on "Reset" to reset your selection and no more users will be selected. Save your selection by clicking on "Add" or select "Cancel".
Please note that you can only select from existing users here and cannot add new users in this menu item.

If you click on the three dots on the far right, you can select the "Delete" option to remove the user's access from this organization. 
After you have clicked on "Delete", no pop-up window appears in which you have to confirm the action again. The user is deleted directly. However, if you have deleted the person by mistake, you can add them again.

If there are many assigned users, it is possible that the desired user cannot be found on the first page. You can switch between pages by clicking on "Next" or on the "Page numbers" at the bottom of the page.

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