Insights: Overview

Insights: Overview

NotesRelevant for: Workspace owners, administrators (see "User roles")

With Applysia Insights, we enable insights into your assessment processes without the lengthy collection and evaluation of data. We initially focus on evaluating the process and the already completed assessments, as regular evaluation is just as important as the careful design of an assessment center. According to DIN 33430, an evaluation of the processes in personnel selection should take place approximately every eight years. However, such an evaluation of the processes is often very time-consuming and therefore rarely carried out. Therefore, we have developed Applysia Insights, a user-friendly, intuitive, and smart solution to enable simple and efficient process improvements.

You can access the Insights by clicking on "Insights" in the header at the top. A new page will open.
You first have the option to select “Filter Options”. This allows you to gain insights into assessments of specific organisations and positions.
In the “Organisations” filter option, you can only choose between the organisations you have access to. The other organisations for which you do not have access rights will not be displayed to you.
You can adjust the time period to determine which assessments should be considered. You can also choose the scales used in the evaluation.
InfoThe filter settings for “Organisations” and “Positions” are optional. If you do not want to set any filters, do not make any selections here. You will then gain insights into the assessments across all organisations and positions.

The filter settings for the time period and the scales must be set.

To set the filters as desired, click in the respective field and then use the drop-down menu to select the relevant options. For the “Organisations” and “Positions” filters, you can click on “Select” to directly mark all options. Clicking on “Reset” will undo your entire selection. You also have the option to use the “Search field” to search for the desired organisation/position for a faster result.
Confirm your selection by clicking on the “Apply” button. To discard your settings, click on “Cancel”.

You can adjust the “Date range-filter” using the calendar view as soon as you click in the respective field. The “From Start” and “Until Today” buttons are also available to you. This allows you to select the entire period since you started conducting assessment centers with Applysia.

You can also select the “Scales” using a drop-down menu.

Click on “Apply” to confirm your settings and gain insights into the assessments.

With the Insights, you evaluate already completed assessments and assessments for which you have chosen the “Insights Archivedeletion option. Therefore, make sure to select filter options for which there are already completed assessments and those assessments that have been archived for the Insights.

InfoAlways complete assessments when they are finished so that the data can be included in the evaluation of the Insights. Also, always choose the “Insights Archiving” deletion option as part of the adjustment of the assessment workflow. In this process, personal data is deleted, but the remaining data is retained for evaluation within the Insights, allowing you to analyze assessments over a longer period. More information on the deletion options can be found here.

Once you have set the filters, you will first see
  1. how many “Assessments” have already been conducted and completed considering the filter options,
  2. how many “Candidates” have already been evaluated considering the filter options,
  3. and how many “Observers” have already evaluated considering the filter options.
Your selection for the filters “Organisations”, “Positions”, the “Time Period”, and the “Scales” will be displayed again above.
To the right of this is the “Filter Options” button with the “Filter Icon”. By clicking on the button, you can adjust your settings as described above if necessary. Click on “Apply” to adopt your adjustments and display the Insights for the new selection. Click on “Cancel” to discard your changes and keep the previous filter options.

Below the overview of the assessments, candidates, and observers, you will see automatic “Benchmarks” for both the competency clusters and the individual competencies. The benchmarks form the basis of the Insights. The Insights evaluate anonymously and independently across all assessments, candidates, and observers based on the previously set filter options.
If you click on “Details” in the table below, you will be taken to a competency-specific evaluation.

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