How does the assesment workflow work?
While you create or edit an assessment you can automate the workflow over time under "Assessment Workflow".
The timeline shows the possible statuses in which the assessment can be and the respective time periods until the assessment is transferred to the next status (you can find more information on the statuses of the assessments
here). There are three different time periods between the statuses:
Activate assessment: Change from draft status to active status,
Complete assessment: Change from active status to completed status, and
Delete assessment: Change from completed status to “Deleted” or “Insights Archieve”.
If you select "Insights Archive", all personal data is deleted and the remaining data is used for the Insights; e.g. the ratings are still available for the Insights.
If you select the "Deleted" option instead, the assessments will be completely deleted and not used for the Insights.

You can learn more about the Insights
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