Manage account

Manage account

NotesRelevant for: Workspace owners, administrators (see "User roles")
In the administration interface, first click on your name / the arrow at the top right and then on “Settings”. You are now automatically in the settings menu. 

You can see from the menu on the left side that you are in the "Account" section. 
Here you can see an overview of the current settings of your account. 


Under "Profile" you can change your first and last name as well as your email address. 


Under "Preferences", you can adjust the language (German or English) and the time zone using the drop-down menu.
You can also select under “Start view” whether you want to be redirected to the administration interface or the observer interface by default after logging into the Applysia software. Select the admin view if you mainly prepare assessments in the administration interface or select the observer interface if you mainly participate in assessments as an observer or moderator


Under "Security" you can assign a new password. To do this, you must enter the previous password, the new password and a password confirmation of the new password. The password must be at least 8 characters long and consist of upper and lower case letters, at least one special character and at least one number.


Under "Privacy" you can decide whether or not you want to share your usage data with Applysia to improve the software. To do this, use the "slider" on the right to switch product analysis on or off. You can also access the privacy policy from here by clicking on "Learn more".

To confirm the changes click on "Save" above. 

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