Single view files

Single view files

You are on the homepage and you can see the files that are shared with you. Clicking on the preview of the desired file will open it in a single view

Please note that you can only open files that are shared with you. You cannot take a closer look at files that have not yet been shared with you.

In the single view of the files, you will see a bar at the top that shows you your "document path". Here you can navigate between the different files and return to the homepage with all shared files of an exercise. Alternatively, you still have the option to navigate between the different files and exercises via the left control menu. 

On the right side, a countdown indicates the remaining time that  the file is visible for you. Once this countdown has expired, you no longer have access to the file and it closes automatically. You will then be taken back to the homepage with the preview of all files of an exercise. The countdown appears in three different colors, with different meanings:

  1. At the beginning, the countdown appears in green color and indicates the duration in which you can still access the document.
  2. When the time period in which the file was shared with you is coming to an end, the countdown appears in orange.
  3. Just before the file closes because the share expires, the countdown turns red.

Next to the countdown is another "Download" button. Here you have the possibility to save the file - but only if this setting has been activated in the Cockpit.

In the lower right corner there are three different control icons depending on the format of the shared files. For PDF files you will find the following options:

  1. The "zoom icon" allows you to enlarge the file so that it fits the size of the window. Click the "arrow icon” again to reduce the size back to the original format.
  2. With the "plus icon" you can enlarge the file as much as you want until the maximum is reached.
  3. The "minus icon" allows you to reduce the size of the file on demand until the minimum is reached.

PDF documents can be marked with a watermark.

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