Questionnaires & tests and Self Assessment
You have logged in to the Candidate Portal and are on the overview page. In the menu on the left side you will see the category "Questionnaire & Tests".
This category is only visible to you if you have been assigned questionnaires or tests.
Questionnaires & tests
Questionnaires and tests that have been assigned to you for editing are listed here for you. Click on the relevant test to open it in the Candidate Portal. On the right side you will see a button labeled "Start". By clicking on it, you will be redirected to the test provider's website where you can edit the test.
Self Assessment
If you are asked to complete a Self Assessment as part of the assessment, this will also be displayed in the menu on the left under "Self Assessment". Click on it to open the Self Assessment on the right side.
Depending on the settings made in the administration interface (Cockpit), you will either only see the competencies in which you should assess yourself, or you will also see a description of the competencies and/or assigned behavior anchors.
The view here differs depending on the settings made in the administration interface. You can either carry out an exercise-specific Self Assessment or you can assess yourself in all competencies for the entire assessment:
- For the exercise-specific Self Assessment, first navigate to the name of the corresponding exercise on the right side. Here you will also see the status of the respective exercise, whether you have already completed the assessment or not. Once you have clicked on the exercise, the competencies to be assessed will appear on a new page with a rating scale. Click on the desired number to carry out your Self Assessment. Once you have completed your individual ratings for all competencies, click on "Submit" at the bottom right.
You can only click on "Submit" after you have submitted a Self Assessment for each competency. You will then be redirected back to the overview page with the list of individual exercises. Click on the name of the exercise again if you want to adjust the ratings again.
Depending on the settings made by the observers/moderators of the assessment (see "Self Assessment"), you can either assess yourself in all exercises at the same time, or the individual exercises will be released for you step by step. Accordingly, you will either see all exercises or only individual exercises on the overview page. You can edit your ratings for as long as the self assessment is available to you. As soon as the observers/moderators finish sharing the self assessment, you can no longer make any changes.
- If you make a global assessment for the entire assessment, you will not see an overview of the exercises, but a direct list of all competencies on which you can rate yourself using the rating scale on the right. Click on "Submit" at the bottom right to submit your Self Assessment. Once you have submitted your assessment, you will be redirected to an overview page. You can change your Self Assessment again by clicking on the "Change Rating" button.
As soon as you have submitted your Self Assessment, the icon in the left menu next to "Self Assessment" will appear in green with a tick.
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